5 ACTIONS OF FAITHFUL EVANGELISTS by William Boekestein for Core Christianity
As a Christian you want other people to get saved. You know that God uses means in the salvation of others and you want God to use you but you might not know how. Here are five actions of faithful evangelists.
1. Faithful Evangelists Prepare
Believe the gospel yourself. Don’t promote a God who isn’t precious to you. Jesus has hard words for proselytizing hypocrites (Matt. 23:15). Missionaries are sincere Christians who help others know their Lord and their God (John 20:28).
Live like a Christian. Why would anyone ask you about your hope if they can’t see it (1 Pet. 3:15)? Christians must consistently live according to the gospel—even when our failures drive us to repentance and deeper trust in Jesus—so that by our godly living our neighbors may be won over to Christ. You can’t evangelize if you aren’t walking with the Lord.
Trust God to save. You can’t do anything to make people believe. Salvation is a work of God not a work of the evangelist or the one being evangelized. Still, God gives to believers the Holy Spirit for the divine power we need to witness about Jesus (Acts 1:4–5). When you communicate the gospel God genuinely calls those who hear it to repent and believe.
2. Faithful Evangelists Perceive
Witnesses are careful interpreters of people.
Determine your relationship. Even short-term relations—someone you sit next to on a plane, your waitress, a check-out clerk—provide opportunities to sow seeds. Longer-term relationships encourage us to consider a longer-term approach.
Distinguish worldviews. When you meet other believers be generous about their faith. Rejoice in your unity in Christ. Aquila and Priscilla taught Apollos “the way of God more accurately” (Acts 18:26); despite his limited knowledge they treated him as a brother.